
My personal .dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell

My dotfiles

WARNING: No configuration is backed up by the scripts in this repository. Use at your own risk.

This is my own dotfiles repository. It's structured in modules, and uses a convention over configuration philosophy. The system is designed to work for Ubuntu like linux distros. It may work for other distros but I have not tested.

Feel free to take whatever you want =)


The repository should be cloned in the ~/.dotfiles directory. Once cloned all configuration can be applied by running ~/.dotfiles/install.sh


Each folder in this repo is a module. When the global install.sh is run the following happens for each module:

  1. The module's install.sh script is run. Programs, libraries and plugins can be apt-geted here.
  2. All files ending in .symlink within the module are simlinked from the home folder. The .symlink extension is removed in the link. For example a file .bar.symlink in module foo will be linked from ~/.bar
  3. All files ending in .autostart within the module are symlinked (without the .autostart suffix) from the ~/.config/autostart folder. This is used to add .desktop files to that folder which cause applications to run on startup.
  4. The contents of the module's env file (if it exists) are appended to .environment file, which can then be sourced by the initialization file of the shell.


The following things you may expect from a more developed dotfiles system are not present, keep it in mind:

  • Backing up old configuration
  • Selectively installing modules
  • Skipping unnecessary steps