
React Project Standard

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React Project Standard

2023.02.28 day 1

Environment setup

  • Plugins

    • ESLint
    • prettier
    • material
  • Dev packages

    • Node.js latest LTS version
    • tsx = typescript on react
  • Format

    • CamelCase Componant Naming
  • Craco

    • helps with routes/paths replacing all "../../App" with just "@/App"

2023.03.07 day 2

Components and Props

  • Components

    • declare components as functions and export them
    • Header.tsx file
      function Header() {
          return <h1>Header</h1>;
      export default Header;
  • Props

    • declare props with type (typescript) keyword

    • use ? to make props elements non-required

    • Props usage with Components:

      • Header.tsx file:

            type Props = {
                name: string;
                title: string;
                description: string;
            function Header({ name, title, description }: Props) {
                return (
      • App.tsx file:

            * Root Component
            * @see https://www.jumanazar.uz/react-practice
            function App() {
                return (
                            title="Java Engineer"
  • Styled-Components

    • use -D to install it as dev dependency which is not added in deployment build

2023.03.14 Day 3

useState and events

  • useState

    • const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  • events

    • uses const func = (evt: ChangeEvent) = >{};
    const onChange = (e: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
        const value = e.target.value;
  • useEffect

    • usage:
          useEffect(() => {
          }, [inputValue]);
    • is used for watching some change.
    • ex: call some API when some value changes such as useState value.

2023.03.21 Day 4

2023.04.04 Day 6

  • ToList App

    • use map for rendering lists

    • using forEach does not work because it does not return anything.

2023.04.11 Day 7

React Router

-   to use children routes, use `Outlet` from `react-router-dom`
-   Link
-   NavLink - has more features

2023.04.18 Day 8

State Management with Recoil.js

  • Redux alternative, but official and more reactish library
  • Redux is 3rd party, and has great learning curve

2023.04.25 Day 9

Async data transfer and environment values

  • dependencies:
    • yarn add axios
    • yarn add env-cmd

2023.05.02 Day 10

  • project

2023.05.29 Day 11

Final conclusions

  • TypeScript -D

    • TypeScript devDependencies are necessary only for developmen purpose. All typescript codes are transpiled into JavaScript while production build
  • atom is used for generating default values for our loginState

        const loginState = atom<LoginInfo>({
            key: "loginState",
            default: {
                userId: "",
                userPwd: "",
                isLogin: false,