
Personal website of James Rowe https://jsrowe.com

Primary LanguageHTMLCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0


Using GitHub Pages/jekyll to share some thoughts. Dare I say publish them.


Version tagging alpha, still deciding on final URL structure and am making breaking changes


GitHub Pages https://jsr6720.github.io

If I'm still paying for hosting https://jsrowe.com

Where did all the stuff come from pre-init date

Mostly goodreads.com reviews and an old wordpress website.


Code snippets MIT unless otherwise noted.

Text written by stated author and covered by CC0 1.0 Universal


Decided not to use jekyll category|categories as its treated the same as tags but jekyll uses category in its url which I overrode anyways. And I think collections fits the bill.

Primarily tagging by language and whatever I might need to find things again

  • coding lanaguge, i.e. javascript, shell, python etcetera
  • coding framework i.e. React, Spring Boot, Xcode

Some other tags I've used before

  • technology
  • architecture
  • programming (engineering)
  • personal (musings)
  • business
  • management
  • career
  • books
  • reviews
  • tools
  • framework

Book Review tags

A bit more comprehensive and aligned with the 'shelves' in goodreads

Primary shelf IN (read, reading, want to read, did not finish)

Book tags (might be some overlap from above)

  • pyschology
  • personal-development
  • fantasy
  • business (what a business is)
  • management (what it takes to run a business)
  • leadership (what it takes to be a leader)
  • biography (usually covers a primary person)
  • history (usually covers events)
  • non-fiction
  • fiction


Sites that inspire me for both their content and design



Immitation is the best form of flattery(?)

Sites that I stumble upon that I appreciate (usually with original link I found)

https://gail.com Just a fun site registered early in the domain era

https://www.alanwsmith.com When ChatGPT/LLM Gives you an answer I like to think sites like this made a difference

https://timopartl.com/ This guy builds apps