
RSFlags is UIImage category class which will return you the flag icon for the respective country when you pass the country code.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT

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The project has a UIImage category named RSFlags, which will get you the flag icon for the given country code. The list of countries is based on the ISO 3166 country code standard (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1).

I have created a big sprite image from large number of small flags. If you need more clarity, you may need to create a bigger sprite image with bigger flags and edit the flags sizes in the RSFlags class accordingly. You dont have to include the flag images for each and every country. To make this work, you just have to include a single image, and a UIImage subclass from this project.

Thanks to Mark James for the flag icons. (License: CC Attribution 4.0, Commercial usage: Allowed) http://www.iconarchive.com/show/flag-icons-by-famfamfam.html

Supported SDK and OS Versions

  • Supported build target - iOS 8.1 (Xcode 6.1, Apple LLVM compiler 6.0)
  • Deployment target - iOS 8.0 (Of course, you can change it)


To use the Flags in your project, just drag the UIImage+RSFlags.h and .m file into your project and also drag the WorldFlags image from the image asset.


The UIImage category has a method called, + (UIImage *)flagForCountryCode:(NSString *)countryCode which will return you the flag image for the country code you pass.

For example, the following call will return the flag for United States. Here "US" is the code for United States,

UIImage *flag = [UIImage flagForCountryCode:@"US"];