
Simple tooltip (aka Showcase/IntroView) library for Android

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

ToolTipView For android

ToolTipView is a simple tooltip/intro/showcase library for Android


Default view with optional title Fully customizable Individual customization


How this differs from other intro libraries?

With other libraries, you have to create the showcase cards yourself from each individual activities. But with this library, you just have inject the tips and all the target view's id at once.



Using json data (Refer the Sample json data section for the format)

public class ToolTipApp extends Application {

    public void onCreate() {

        //Adding static tip information to be shown in activities
        ToolTipComposer.Builder tipComposerBuilder = new ToolTipComposer.Builder();
        tipComposerBuilder.addStaticTip(this, "tooltip_data.json");

        ToolTipManager.init(this, tipComposerBuilder.build());

By manually

ToolTipComposer.Builder tipComposerBuilder = new ToolTipComposer.Builder();
String[] identifiers = new String[]{"helloWorldLabel", String.valueOf(R.id.empName), "designation"};
String[] tips = new String[]{"Tips for hello world", "Name of the logged in employee", "Role of the employee in the company"};
tipComposerBuilder.addStaticTips("MainActivity", identifiers, tips, null);
ToolTipManager.init(this, tipComposerBuilder.build());

Adding tips individually

ToolTipComposer.Builder tipComposerBuilder = new ToolTipComposer.Builder();
tipComposerBuilder.addStaticTip(LoginActivity.class.getSimpleName(), String.valueOf(R.id.checkboxRemember), "Remember me", "Check this box to store the session details." )
ToolTipManager.init(this, tipComposerBuilder.build());

Customize the appearance of the tips

ToolTipConfig globalConfig = new ToolTipConfig();

Customize the appearance of a individual tip

public ToolTipConfig configForTip(ToolTip tip) {
    if (tip.getResourceId() == R.id.etEmail) {
        // to show home individual tips can be customized
        ToolTipConfig config = new ToolTipConfig();
        return config;
    return null;

Sample json data of tips

  "MainActivity": [    
      "id": "empName",
      "message": "Name of the logged in employee"
      "id": "designation",
      "message": "Role of the employee in the company"
  "LoginActivity": [
      "id": "etEmail",
      "message": "Enter a valid email address"
      "id": "etPassword",
      "title": "Password",
      "message": "Password should contain atleast 8 characters long"
      "id": "checkboxRemember",
      "title": "Remember Me",
      "message": "Check this to persist your session details"

How to include

This library is published in Jitpack

  1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
	repositories {		
		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  1. Add the dependency
dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.jsramraj:tooltip:$version'

Just replace the $version with the appropriate version number, for e.g v0.1
