- 0
In jsreport-core -> ./lib/reporter.js' ->app-root-path in this path while executing my node app application gets crash
#57 opened by jayakumar1998 - 0
err: Error: jsreport already initialized or just initializing. Make sure init is called only once
#56 opened by ketansali - 2
Auto-discovery extensions with jsreport-core
#55 opened by PierreFichet - 3
- 4
- 5
TypeScript Definitions
#12 opened by atrauzzi - 2
- 7
memory leak
#52 opened by LubomirIgonda1 - 3
- 5
Not working with typescript
#51 opened by Nogostradamus - 1
avoid using shared instance of winston
#35 opened by bjrmatos - 4
Adding jsreport in dev-dependency while using jsreport -core in dependency
#45 opened by gupta-nitish - 1
Relative file references
#17 opened by pofider - 3
- 8
- 1
pdfOperations merge not working
#50 opened by robindijkhof - 2
Memory leak in tests
#49 opened by LubomirIgonda1 - 1
JSreport failed to start on CentOS 7.6
#46 opened by yami12376 - 4
Cannot find module 'puppeteer'
#44 opened by mk48 - 6
How to execute in aws lambda?
#29 opened by brucemackenzie - 1
- 1
- 0
Page break not render background image
#40 opened by davidbranco - 1
validate the "publicKey" property of entity is not duplicated when creating new entity
#36 opened by bjrmatos - 1
Found vulnerabilities
#37 opened by jagdeep-anetcorp - 0
Extension options passed through camel case env doesn't overwrite options from config file
#34 opened by pofider - 11
- 1
- 2
unified API for documentStore and blobStorage
#11 opened by bjrmatos - 7
Alternative of Reap module
#27 opened by kamesh95 - 1
Table headers are overlapping with text
#30 opened by meckharr - 2
Consider replacing underscore with lodash
#16 opened by dlong500 - 1
Kill jsreport
#24 opened by pofider - 1
wkhtmltopdf page break / table header issue
#25 opened by denizalpaslan - 1
I can't install reportjs which it needs phantomjs
#23 opened by mahdi-gh33 - 2
"Bad argument" error
#21 opened by eczajk1 - 2
chart with external script - jsreport
#20 opened by vinithios - 4
jsreport chart-pdf
#19 opened by vinithios - 7
- 1
Check Travis peer dependencies errors
#14 opened by pofider - 6
Error when running the same report twice
#13 opened by wiseolddj - 0
- 2
How to add another script as allowedModule task in the jsreport server as well as jsreportonline?
#8 opened by snehilmodani - 16
jsreport-core does not exit
#5 opened by jleach - 6
How to reference scripts in jsreport-core
#6 opened by 3goats - 3
default to development mode
#3 opened by bjrmatos - 7
API review
#1 opened by pofider - 4