Create a RESTful API for a bookstore. IMPORTANT: ● Bronze Level must be entirely completed. Requirements: Bronze level: Create a service for the bookstore.

  1. It should be able to create, read, update and delete resources.
  2. Service 1: Inventory. 2.1. Book author (first name and last name). 2.2. Book title. 2.3. Book stock in inventory.
  3. Create two unit tests.
  4. Create a public repo on github and upload your solution.
  5. Create a README file, copy and paste this text (challenge description).

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run the server:

py runserver

And it will run on

You will get to see two urls for test:

In the project directory, you can test by running:

py test

You can find the test code in bookapp/