
This is the State Street exam

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Transaction Table

This is a table that is built to show a large table of transactions and be able to filter on them. Each transation contains a link that goes to a different rendered component using React-Router-Dom.

This app can be viwed live here:


Key Tools Used

  • React Router
  • React 16
  • React-Bootstrap
  • AWS S3 Bucket
  • Create-React-App

Key points

I chose to make my application within React. When I build my React applications, I tend to organize my SRC folder such that all of my stateful componentns are within a "pages" folder and all of my stateless componenents are in a folder called "stateless."

Within the package.json I created a custom method in which I can run

yarn build-and-deploy

This will run the build process for my React app and then it will deploy it to the AWS bucket that I specify.

Running the Application

  1. Open a Command Line (Windows) or a Terminal (MacOS and linux) and set the current directory to a folder you wish to run this application.
  2. Clone this repository to your computer using:
git clone https://github.com/jsrice7391/statestreet.git

This wiill create a local folder that will have the application inside of it.

  1. Change the directory into the new folder, install the dependencies (packages) and run the application.
cd statestreet
npm install
npm start

If you have used React before, you can run the application with Yarn.

cd statestreet
yarn install
yarn start
  1. Enjoy the app!

Future Dev

Use ReDux to hold the transactions and be able to make components connect to Redux providers or the React Context API.