
The purpose of this module is ensure ContinuousIntegration.exe can run successfully if the connection string is set in environment variables.

Installing this module means you do not have to store database connection information in web.config in your source code repository.

The CMS allows the connection string to be defined in Azure's Configuration Settings. This value overrides the settings in web.config Unfortuately, in that scenario ContinuousIntegration.exe does not pick up the same connection string as the CMS. Using this module means both the CMS and ContinuousIntegration.exe will both use the same connection string.


This is a Kentico custom module that looks to see if the CMSConnectionString environment variable is set updates the connection string.

This Kentico Module was inspired by the answer given in this StackOverflow question.


Currently the NuGet package is based on Kentico Xperience 13.


From VisualStudio's package manager console type:

Install-Package KenticoCommunity.ConnectionStringModule -Version 0.0.1 -Project CMSApp

Verifying it works

Type ContinuousIntegration.exe and see the connection string from web.config is being used.

Continuous Integration Console
Kentico Software

CMSConnectionString environment variable is not set. Nothing to do.

Restoring objects...
Optimizing file repository...

Using a PowerShell window, Set the SQLAZURECONNSTR_CMSConnectionString environment variable.

$Env:SQLAZURECONNSTR_CMSConnectionString="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=k13-demo;Integrated Security=False;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=boilerplate13;Password=DSKJHFDJKHDFFDDFDFKFD;Connect Timeout=60;Encrypt=False;Current Language=English;"

Now when you Type ContinuousIntegration.exe, you will the see the connection string being used comes from the CMSConnectionString environment variable.

Continuous Integration Console
Kentico Software

Overriding CMSConnectionString using environment variables
SQLAZURECONNSTR_CMSConnectionString=Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=k13-demo;Integrated Security=False;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=boilerplate13;Password=******;Connect Timeout=60;Encrypt=False;Current Language=English

Restoring objects...
Optimizing file repository...


This project uses a standard MIT license which can be found here


Contributions are welcome. Feel free to submit pull requests to the repo.


Please report bugs as issues in this GitHub repo. We'll respond as soon as possible.