- 0
- 0
Unable to insert caption below image
#261 opened by david-j-m - 0
not compatible with iPad?
#260 opened by ArchiePCCastro - 0
Lazy loading and SEO
#259 opened by mikeg2010 - 2
- 0
Font-size too big on mobile
#258 opened by Kamoba - 2
- 0
- 4
Old -> new setting
#236 opened by applibs - 1
Optimize responsive
#255 opened by giuliac1989 - 2
$CurrentIndex() issue on first load
#251 opened by giuliac1989 - 7
- 3
- 1
For mobile full screen slider how can i assign slide number for each slide For ex( 1 to 10 )
#250 opened by aravindraina - 0
carousel-slider.slider with Bootstrap modal
#249 opened by joycon - 1
HTML code work properly but when ng-repeat use then all images show in page in angularjs. And when i click next button then all images work properly one by one
#248 opened by awwalfareed - 2
jssor instance wordpress
#247 opened by ashinzekene - 1
$ScaleSize Does not work correctly
#246 opened by fasnet - 2
This is the worst slider ever, why the source is not public so we can fix it ourselves?
#222 opened by ltoshev - 2
Where can I find the non-minified source code for the current version (26.3.0)?
#224 opened by woodser - 8
vuejs version
#243 opened by scmorfi - 2
- 1
- 6
- 2
Can't get lazy-load to work
#241 opened - 4
- 1
PHP Variable
#239 opened by dungphanxuan - 1
Caption transitions backward compatibility
#238 opened by applibs - 2
upgrade to 27.1.0 from 24.x impossible
#237 opened by applibs - 3
- 2
$Loop: 0, first and last img center?
#235 opened by maquannene - 2
- 1
Typo in repo description
#232 opened by broiniac - 8
No CSS style in div img element after removing and re-adding from the array
#217 opened by estradamarkie - 1
Destroy method??
#221 opened by 1nfinite - 5
#229 opened by mingge8888 - 2
#228 opened by mingge8888 - 1
No lazy loading?
#227 opened by mingge8888 - 0
Self-hosted editor interface
#230 opened by wosevision - 2
Pausing the slider
#225 opened by ScottH55 - 0
Choosing an alternate slider layout in Drupal
#211 opened by gariza - 3
On firefox, when page load the first slide no respect $AutoPlayInterval
#212 opened by jeffersonmello - 1
Error on caption-wrap, undefined width
#219 opened by applibs - 6
Uncaught Error: Outer container 'null' not found.
#223 opened by vdanelia - 1
IE8 the whole page can't scroll or even responseless
#220 opened by WynnLin - 1
Tidio & jssor slider
#218 opened by Triloworld - 8
Jssor slider in Angular2 not working properly when fetching images from .json file using http
#216 opened by estradamarkie - 1
- 6
Image issue on IE11
#215 opened by estradamarkie - 0