This test application has the following:
A websocket server which is used for a messenger
- Users can broadcast messages to everyone
- When users leave, the messages that they have sent look inactive
- Resources:,
A table of users
- seeded with first name, last name, email, and profile pic
- table is associated with a table of actions through a many to one association
- Resources:
Mocha tests
- run using
mocha test
- Resources:,
Working on this project:
- Make sure that a version of node is installed. (Last tested on v12.13.0:
- Fork this repository
- Clone your repository to your machine
- Go to the directory where you cloned this repository and
npm install
the node modules - Make sure that mariaDB is downloaded and installed (macOS: win:
- Create two databases: database_development and database_test (
- Run
npm install -g sequelize-cli
( - Run
sequelize db:migrate
to migrate the tables to your databases - Run
sequelize db:seed:all
to seed your tables with pre-made data - Run
npm start
to run the application. It will run at http://localhost:3000. To debug the server, runnpm run debug
instead ofnpm start
. Go to chrome://inspect to inspect the server. - Work through the following tasks:
- Users should be able to whisper (send to only one) messages to online users
- A user should be able to add a user
- The table of users should display profile pic in table
- The table of users should have "actions" that can be associated with users
- These can be buttons next to the user in the "Actions" column
- Actions can include "Eat", "Sleep", "Drink"
- The table of users should display how many times those actions have been performed
- Next to the button, display a counter
- These counters must be permanent. A refresh will not clear them.
- Add 2 more mocha tests based on either api or models
- When the above are complete or you are unable to complete the rest of the tasks, create a pull request into this repository.
Folder Structure:
+- .idea - used if you have a JetBrains IDE
+- bin - runs the server
+- config - holds configuration files including DB config files
+- migrations - holds sequelize migrations including initial table creation
+- models - holds sequelize schemas for actions and users
+- modules - holds different modules that are used by the web application
| +- constants - holds the constants used by the web application
| +- logger - holds the logging module
+- profilePics - holds files for the users' profile pics
+- public - holds static web files
| +- javascripts - holds the javascript files used by the webpages
| | +- displayUsers - used by the /displayUsers page to get and push data to the api
| | +- helpers - used by all pages, stores functions that can be of use anywhere
| | +- messenger - used by the /messenger page to set up the messenger
| +- stylesheets
| +- style.scss - used by all pages, used to generate the style.css file
+- routes - holds the express web application routes include / and /users
+- seeders - holds the sequelize data seeders
+- test - holds the tests that are run by mocha to run
| +- api - holds the tests that are run against the api
| +- models - holds the tests that are run against the sequelize models
+- views - holds the ejs files that are used on the various pages
+- websocket - holds the websocket server
+- .editorconfig - configures how the editor should set tabs and end of file
+- .eslintrc.js - configures how the editor should lint these files
+- app.js - builds the express app