PEARS Partnerships Data Entry

{High-level project description goes here}


The recommended way to install the PEARS Partnerships Data Entry script is through git, which can be downloaded here. Once downloaded, run the following command:

git clone

Alternatively, this repository can be downloaded as a zip file via this link:

This repository is designed to run out of the box on a Windows PC using Docker and the /example_inputs and /example_outputs directories. To run the script in its current configuration, follow this link to install Docker Desktop for Windows.

With Docker Desktop installed, this script can be run simply by double-clicking the run_script.bat file in your local directory.

The run_script.bat file can also be run in Command Prompt by entering the following command with the appropriate path:


Setup instructions for SNAP-Ed implementing agencies

The following steps are required to execute the PEARS Partnerships Data Entry script using your organization's PEARS data:

  1. Contact PEARS support to set up an AWS S3 bucket to store automated PEARS exports.
  2. Download the automated PEARS exports. Illinois Extension's method for downloading exports from the S3 is detailed in the PEARS Nightly Export Reformatting script.
  3. Set the appropriate input and output paths in and run_script.bat.
    • The Input Files and Output Files sections provide an overview of required and output data files.
    • Copying input files to the build context would enable continued use of Docker and run_script.bat with minimal modifications.
    • may require additional alterations depending on the staff list format.
  4. Set the username and password variables in using valid Office 365 credentials.

Additional setup considerations

  • The formatting of PEARS export workbooks changes periodically. The example PEARS exports included in the /example_inputs directory are based on workbooks downloaded on 08/26/22. Modifications to may be necessary to run with subsequent PEARS exports.
  • Illinois Extension utilized Task Scheduler to run this script from a Windows PC on a monthly basis.
  • Plans to deploy the PEARS Partnerships Data Entry script on AWS were never implemented and are currently beyond the scope of this repository.
  • Other SNAP-Ed implementing agencies intending to utilize the PEARS Partnerships Data Entry script should consider the following adjustments as they pertain to their organization:
    • {Specific project setup considerations go here}

Input Files

The following input files are required to run the PEARS Partnerships Data Entry script:

Example input files are provided in the /example_inputs directory. PEARS module exports included as example files are generated using the Faker Python package and do not represent actual program evaluation data.

Output Files

The following output files are produced by the PEARS Partnerships Data Entry script:

Example output files are provided in the /example_outputs directory.