
Device Priority can be setup to automatically adjust event severity for devices.

Primary LanguagePython

Device Priority

Device Priority can be setup to automatically adjust event severity for devices.


Device Priority can be used in 3 different ways. The behavior is set using the zProperty zDevicePriorityBehavior.

  • Default – Using this behavior type will make device priority work as default, which does not change severity of any events. And is used as more of a tag.
  • Base – Using this behavior will change any events setup to a severity based on device priority
    • Highest = Critical
    • Higher = Error
    • Normal = No change to events
    • Low = Warning
    • Lowest = Informational
    • Trivial = Debug
  • Adjust – Using this behavior will adjust the severity any events setup based on device priority
    • Highest = +2
    • Higher = +1
    • Normal = No change to events
    • Low = -1
    • Lowest = -2
    • Trivial = -3 Adjust will never drop an event severity below Debug or raise a severity above Critical.

Adjusting Events Based on Event Types

You can setup Device Priority to only adjust certain events. This is done by using the following zProperties:

  • zDevicePriorityChangeSkip – This will skip changing events for the set severity and lower. If set to Critical, no events will ever be changed. Options are:
    • Info
    • Warning
    • Error
    • Critical
  • zDevicePriorityEventTypes – A few options have been preprogrammed in for ease of use.
    • Ping Down – This will change any ping down events
    • Windows Services – This will change any windows service events
    • All – This will change all events
    • Custom – This will only change events for conditions defined in zDevicePriorityInclusionEvents
  • zDevicePriorityInclusionEvents – This is a multiline zProperty that allows for custom conditions to be entered by a user. These conditions will be evaluated against each event and if it matches, that event will be changed. This zProperty is used only for if zDevicePriorityEventTypes is set to Custom.
  • zDevicePriorityExclusionEvents – This is a multiline zProperty that allows for custom conditions to be entered by a user. These conditions will be evaluated against each event and if it matches, the event will NOT be changed. This zProperty is used for all options under zDevicePriorityEventTypes.

How to use Inclusions and Exclusions

These zProperties are multiline, each line is considered a condition. Each condition is evaluated against each event. Each condition can have multiple rules. These are separated by a comma. Each rule should be formatted as eventField=Regex.

  • eventField – This is the exact naming and capitalization of the event field found within the event. A few examples:
    • eventClass
    • eventClassKey
    • summary
    • component
  • Regex – This is a regex for the contents of the event field. A few examples:
    • /Status/Ping.* will match /Status/Ping and /Status/Ping/Lag
    • ^Ethernet\d/\d will match Ethernet3/7