This is a fork of the (mml-iterator
)[] by mohayonao, with some syntax extensions for greater compatibility with songs that can be found on the internet. Should be syntax backwards-compatible with the original, but it has been refactored into an ES module.
$ npm install @jstarpl/mml-iterator
constructor(source: string)
next(): { done: boolean, value: object }
[Symbol.iterator]: self
import MMLIterator from "@jstarpl/mml-iterator";
let iter = new MMLIterator("t200 o6 l8 e g > e c d g");
for (let noteEvent of iter) {
{ type: "note", time: 0.00, duration: 0.15, noteNumber: 88, velocity: 100, quantize: 75 }
{ type: "note", time: 0.15, duration: 0.15, noteNumber: 91, velocity: 100, quantize: 75 }
{ type: "note", time: 0.30, duration: 0.15, noteNumber: 100, velocity: 100, quantize: 75 }
{ type: "note", time: 0.45, duration: 0.15, noteNumber: 96, velocity: 100, quantize: 75 }
{ type: "note", time: 0.60, duration: 0.15, noteNumber: 98, velocity: 100, quantize: 75 }
{ type: "note", time: 0.75, duration: 0.15, noteNumber: 103, velocity: 100, quantize: 75 }
{ type: "end", time: 0.9 }
- [cdefgab][-+]?(\d+)?\.*
- note on (default: l)
- e.g.
c e-8. g16
- [ ([cdefgab][-+]?|[<>])+ ](\d+)?\.*
- chord (default: l)
- e.g.
[ >g<ce ]2 [ >gb<d ]2 [ >g<ce ]1
- rp?\.*
- rest (default: l)
- e.g.
l16 crcc crcc crccr crcc
- l(\d+)?\.*
- length (default: 4)
- e.g.
l8 cc l4 e l2 g
- ^(\d+)?\.*
- tie (default: l)
- e.g
l16 c^^ e^^ g^
- q(\d+)?
- quantize (default: 75)
- e.g.
l16 q50 crcc crcc crcc crcc
- o(\d+)?
- octave (default: 4)
- e.g.
o4 ceg o5 c
- >(\d+)?
- octave up (default: 1)
- e.g.
ceg < c
- <(\d+)?
- octave down (default: 1)
- e.g.
c > gec
- t(\d+)?
- tempo (default: 120)
- e.g.
t140 cdefgab<c
- v(\d+)?
- velocity (default: 100)
- e.g.
v75 c v50 e v25 g
- $
- infinite loop
- e.g.
l2 $ [fa<ce] [gb<d] [egb<d] [ea<c]
- /: ... | ... :/(\d+)?
- loop (default: 2)
- commands after | are skipped in the last loop
- e.g.
l2 /: [fa<ce] [gb<d] [egb<d] | [ea<c] :/4 [eg<c]