
Ajv plugin to add Open API v3 data type formats support

Primary LanguageTypeScript


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This package forked from touchifyapp/ajv-openapi to add support of Ajv v7

Ajv plugin that adds Open API v3 data types (formats: int32, int64, float, double, byte) validation.


npm install ajv @jstarstech/ajv-openapi


const Ajv = require("ajv");
const openApi = require("@jstarstech/ajv-openapi");

const ajv = openApi(new Ajv());

Configuration for full OpenAPI compatibility

By default, the plugin only adds missing formats to Ajv validator. To configure Ajv to be fully Open API v3 compliant, you should configure the plugin like this:

const Ajv = require("ajv");
const openApi = require("@jstarstech/ajv-openapi");

const ajvOptions = {
    schemaId: "auto",
    format: "full",
    coerceTypes: true,
    unknownFormats: "ignore",
    useDefaults: true,
    nullable: true

const openApiOptions = {
    useDraft06: true

const ajv = openApi(
    new Ajv(ajvOptions),


console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "integer", format: "int32" })(2147483648));
console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "integer", format: "int32" })(-2147483649));
console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "integer", format: "int32" })(1.23));
console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "integer", format: "int32" })(123));
> false
> false
> false
> true

console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "integer", format: "int64" })(Number.MAX_VALUE));
console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "integer", format: "int64" })(Number.MIN_VALUE));
console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "integer", format: "int64" })(1.23));
console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "integer", format: "int64" })(123));
> false
> false
> false
> true

console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "number", format: "float" })(Number.MAX_VALUE));
console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "number", format: "float" })(Number.MIN_VALUE));
console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "number", format: "float" })(1.23));
console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "number", format: "float" })(123));
> false
> false
> true
> true

console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "number", format: "double" })(Number.MAX_VALUE));
console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "number", format: "double" })(Number.MIN_VALUE));
console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "number", format: "double" })(1.23));
console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "number", format: "double" })(123));
> true
> true
> true
> true

console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "string", format: "byte" })("MTIz"));
console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "string", format: "byte" })("abc"));
console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "string", format: "byte" })(1));
console.log(ajv.compile({ type: "string", format: "byte" })("5L2g5aW95ZWK"));
> true
> false
> false
> true