
A component for turning table cells into selectable, editable cells, behaving much like cells in Microsoft Excel.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


(Currently Chrome support only)

A binding for turning ordinary table cells into selectable, editable cells, behaving much like cells in Microsoft Excel, supporting features like applying the same change to all selected cells.


Table cells bound using the editableCell property are by default selectable and editable.

To customize the default behaviour, you may use the following supplemental bindings:

  • cellReadOnly - Whether or not the cell should be just selectable and not editable
  • cellText - The cell text to display when the cell is not being edited

Example illustrating how the editableBinding may be used:

<td data-bind="editableCell: id, cellReadOnly: true"></td>
<td data-bind="editableCell: name"></td>
<td data-bind="editableCell: age, cellText: age() + ' years'"></td>

To get hold of the currently selected cells in the table, you can bind an observable array, i.e. selection, to your table using the editableCellSelection binding:

<table data-bind="editableCellSelection: selection">

Whenever the selection changes, the observable array selection will be populated with the list of selected cells on the following format:

    cell: [the HTMLTableCellElement],
	value: [the (observable) property the cell is bound to with the editableCell binding],
	text: [the (observable) property the cell is bound to with the cellText binding, or else same as value]


Check out the live demo.