
Companion to my talk @ MilesCamp 2014

Primary LanguageJavaScript



You should have the latest Node and NPM installed, and they should be on your path.


C:\src\ko-starter-kit-ts> node --version  
C:\src\ko-starter-kit-ts> npm --version  


$ node --version
$ v0.10.32
$ npm --version
$ 2.1.4

Install required global NPM modules

  1. Start a shell (on Windows, this should be run as Administrator)
  2. Install Typescript, Karma-CLI, Bower, Gulp, and Http-Server
C:\src\ko-starter-kit-ts> npm install -g typescript karma-cli bower gulp

~~~ bash
$ npm install -g typescript karma-cli bower gulp

Install NPM and Bower dependencies

  1. Start a shell
  2. Install NPM and Bower deps
C:\src\ko-starter-kit-ts> npm install  
... wait ...  
C:\src\ko-starter-kit-ts> bower install  
... wait ...
C:\src\ko-starter-kit-ts> cd test
C:\src\ko-starter-kit-ts\test> bower install
... wait ...
C:\src\ko-starter-kit-ts\test> cd ..

Running the site

  1. We use Gulp to compile and build the project. + Run gulp by opening a command prompt in the front directory and run the gulp command.
C:\src\ko-starter-kit-ts> gulp
  1. This will start browser-sync (a self-reloading server), and open a browser to your site.

  2. If you wish to work with the optimized files, you can change the gulpfile.js to run browser-sync from your dist folder instead:

~~~ javascript
// Config

var browserSyncConfig = { server: { baseDir: './dist' }, ~~~