
ScalaModules is an elegant and intuitive domain specific language for OSGi development written in the Scala programming language.

Primary LanguageScala


ScalaModules is an elegant and intuitive domain specific language for OSGi development written in the Scala programming language.

Why would you need such a DSL? Because the OSGi API is rather low-level so that programming simple tasks, e.g. consuming an OSGi service, can be quite cumbersome. ScalaModules offers high-level abstractions for the most important OSGi concepts so that you can focus on what is to be done instead of how it should be done. Let’s look at a simple example:

context findServices withInterface[Greeting] withFilter "style".present andApply {
  (greeting, properties) => "%s: %s".format(properties("style"), greeting.welcome)
} match {
  case Nil => println("No Greeting service available!")
  case welcomes => welcomes foreach println

For further information please visit our Wiki or take a look at the examples.

ScalaModules is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. Just use it!