- 1
gotags fails for generics
#48 opened by dnj12345 - 0
parser error for interface type
#47 opened by dnj12345 - 4
- 0
Compatibility with future Go versions
#45 opened by carlocab - 2
- 4
- 3
- 1
how to integrate with vim :tselect
#39 opened by vimalk78 - 0
Ignoring vendor folder
#38 opened by ldelossa - 3
- 3
- 0
Variadic Interface is not recognized
#33 opened by RadhiFadlillah - 1
Add a struct scope to the symbol files
#23 opened by dgsb - 5
Why not add pattern to the output files?
#31 opened by apporc - 2
jump to wrong line
#32 opened by sekirocc - 2
- 4
Gotags with CtrlPBufTag
#19 opened by bikbah - 4
Give useful Usage example in README
#13 opened by mperham - 2
Use case question
#18 opened by gonzaloserrano - 4
Parse error on variable-free for-range loops
#16 opened by qjcg - 1
- 4
- 2
Can not show import package
#10 opened by syslot - 6
- 3
Add or document recursive mode.
#7 opened by binary132 - 0
- 0
Empty interface not recognized as type
#1 opened by jstemmer