
RabbitMQ example used in Jstobigdata tutorial

Primary LanguageJava

RabbitMQ tutorial with code examples - Jstobigdata.com

  • Navigate inside the rabbitmq-docker and run the docker-compose up.
cd rabbitmq-docker && docker-compose up

Tutorial Link - https://jstobigdata.com/rabbitmq/complete-rabbitmq-tutorial-in-java/

  1. Introduction to RabbitMQ
  2. Install and Setup RabbitMQ Server
  3. Elements of AMQP messaging system
  4. Exchanges, Queues, and Bindings in AMQP
  5. Direct Exchange in AMQP – RabbitMQ
  6. Fanout Exchange in AMQP – RabbitMQ
  7. Topic Exchange in AMQP – RabbitMQ
  8. Headers Exchange in AMQP – RabbitMQ
  9. Default Exchange in AMQP – RabbitMQ
  10. Exchange to Exchange binding in RabbitMQ
  11. Alternate Exchange in RabbitMQ
  12. RabbitMQ with Spring AMQP
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