Workbook to teach the concept of risk ratios for data journalism applications
Jupyter Notebook
- capitolmuckrakrBloomberg Industry Group
- chris-park
- chrislkellerThe Associated Press
- chuvananVPBank
- ctwardy@Jacobs @People-Places-Solutions @Sotera, @KeyWCorp, @KeyW, @SciCast @ReplicationMkts
- declanrjb
- eyeseast@MuckRock
- fer-aguirreThe Examination
- gbennett71
- gordonjeColumbia, MO
- hrbrmstrGreyNoise Intelligence
- jcmkk3Seattle, WA
- jmcastagnettoPeru
- JoeYerardiNerdWallet
- joeykleeUSA
- Johniekotzak
- JosueMAMéxico
- ktanner23Detroit Free Press
- malelewNebraska and California
- miaminkin
- Mona-khalil
- myersjustinc@Wrapports, @wbez
- naokatohNew York
- nielsenau
- pbockBergen, Norway
- R25114B
- safferli
- seamustuohy
- tomcardosoThe Globe and Mail
- usmanakram232@ginmon
- winnydejongHilversum
- z3ttIndependent Contractor