
Accepts JSON serializable arguments and delegates to chai.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Accepts JSON serializable arguments and delegates to chai.js

If you have stumbled across this page you are either thinking:

  • Why in the hell would you do this?
  • Nice. This is helpful for validating JSON configuration at runtime.

If you are in the first boat then please sail your ship elsewhere or keep reading to understand the rationale for this library.

I currently work on a service orchestration layer that munges up and shapes a bunch of service responses. The orchestration instructions are stored in JSON and read from a configuration service. This is so we can change response shapes and what not without having to deploy. At the heart of this orhestration service is JSON Patchwork. There are such things as operations that are applied to patches and tests that are used to filter, reduce patches in JSON Patchwork. What I wanted was a descriptive/declartive way to test patch values. This is why this library was created. I wanted to leverage existing work rather than write my own configuration driven assertion library.

If you want to learn more about JSON Patchwork go here. If you have no interest in this project or take issue with its existence then go here.

If you want documentation then read the test specifications or the comments. If you are too lazy to do that then read this:

var expect = require('chai-string').expect;

// without comparison values
expect([], 'not.to.be.empty'); // expected [] not to be empty
expect([], 'to.be.empty'); // true

// with comparison values
expect({ bar: 1 }, 'to.have.all.keys', ['bar', 'baz']); // expected { bar: 1 } to have keys 'bar', and 'baz'
expect({ bar: 1, baz: 2 }, 'to.have.all.keys', ['bar', 'baz']); // true