
This was a proto type for deislabs/containerd-wasm-shims#89

set up containerd

Add the following to the containerd config:

    accepts = ["application/vnd.w3c.wasm.module.v1+wasm"]
    path = "wasm-oci-processor"
    returns = "application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar"

generate a wasm OCI image

use oci-tar-builder crate to build image with custom media types (image.tar).

local testing

use layer.tar which is a single layer with wasm file in it extracted from image.tar

upload wasm OCI image to registry

regctl image import localhost:5000/wasi-demo:latest /mnt/c/Users/jstur/projects/runwasi/target/wasm32-wasi/debug/img.tar

doesn't work

Files get added to the tar but containerd fails since diff changed on extraction. It also only works at layer level not the manifest level so wouldn't be able to stich things together.

unpacking windows/amd64 sha256:a9bf3c52996ef466e7da0ad4652c6ae7029b6045902161d1f7ee00946fada7a5...
time="2023-05-03T17:12:21-07:00" level=info msg="apply failure, attempting cleanup" error="wrong diff id calculated on extraction \"sha256:201171c178cfb419d4ab25429ffc430eac6e2ed28ec1cc3df4bae5346e20df00\"" key="extract-397179500-PA_p sha256:80aaf4e83cab69cce04481df5000b374834660da8c11493ba1aa380ebc4054cd"
ctr: wrong diff id calculated on extraction "sha256:201171c178cfb419d4ab25429ffc430eac6e2ed28ec1cc3df4bae5346e20df00"


Example heavily modified from under Apache 2.0 license