Aura documentation plugin for SFDX, currently in alpha.
$ npm install -g sfdx-auradoc
$ sfdx-auradoc COMMAND
running command...
$ sfdx-auradoc (-v|--version|version)
sfdx-auradoc/0.0.0 linux-x64 node-v11.7.0
$ sfdx-auradoc --help [COMMAND]
$ sfdx-auradoc COMMAND
Create a dependency graph of aura components.
$ sfdx-auradoc auradoc:graph
-a, --includeaura include the aura namespace
-c, --component=component [default: PROJECT_PATH] path to specific component directory to graph
(accepts globs)
-e, --includeevents include registered and handled events
-f, --includeforce include the force namespace
-l, --includelightning include the lightning namespace
-o, --output=output [default: /tmp/out.svg] graph filename, defaults to 'out.svg'
-p, --includeapexcontroller include apex controllers
-u, --includeui include the ui namespace
--json format output as json
--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal) logging level for this command invocation
$ sfdx auradoc:graph
See code: src/commands/auradoc/graph.ts