
Google App Engine library for Clojure

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT



  1. Install Leiningen 1.5 or later.

  2. Install the gaeshi/kuzushi plugin

     lein plugin install gaeshi/kuzushi 0.5.0
  3. Make sure ~/.lein/bin is in your path.

     echo "PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.lein/bin" >> ~/.profile
     . ~/.profile
  4. Try it out!

     gaeshi help

If all goes well you should see a helpful message printed in your console.


Creating a new Project

  1. Gaeshi will create a boiler plate project structure for you.

     gaeshi new my_new_project
  2. Download/Install all the dependencies.

     cd my_new_project
     lein deps
  3. Start the development server

     gaeshi server


Copyright (C) 2011 Micah Martin All Rights Reserved.

Distributed under the The MIT License.