A playground of video processing examples in Akka streams and Scala (with some Kafka).
It's always been said that the best way to learn a topic through meme engineering. This set of libraries enables all the fun you never wanted to have.
Rendering your webcam to the terminal in Ascii art
$ sbt "examples/runMain examples.AsciiWebcam"
Render video (and audio) to the terminal in Ascii Art
$ sbt "examples/runMain examples.AsciiVideo"
Create a swing video player that can play/pause an mp4
$ sbt "examples/runMain examples.VideoPlayer"
Run a web server that streams your webcam to web browsers in Ascii art
$ brew install kafka $ brew install zookeper
Run in 3 terminals:
$ zkServer start $ kafka-server-start.sh /usr/local/etc/kafka/server.properties $ sbt "examples/runMain examples.asciiweb.feed.AsciiImageProducer" $ sbt "examples/runMain examples.asciiweb.ws.Main"
You can now check your webcam/drone feed as an Ascii-art animation on http://localhost:8080
Apache 2 for all libraries EXCEPT:
- ffmpeg library is LGPL v3 (Xuggler)
- example package is LGPL v3 (viral Xuggler)