
Working MobileTerminal for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch iOS 5.x.x

Primary LanguageObjective-C

MobileTerminal App for Apple iOS 5

Working MobileTerminal for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch iOS 5.x.x. The version of MobileTerminal already on Cydia doesn't work on iOS 4.0 or greater. The beta versions on this site are re-written by allen.porter, which do work on iOS 4.0, and can be found on Cydia, on an additonal repository.

How to install Mobile Terminal on iOS 5

Supported devices: iPhone 4s, iPhone 4, iPhone 3gs, iPhone 3, iPhone iPad 3, iPad 2, iPad iPod Touch (all)


How to build MobileTerminal and package it distribution

  1. Open MobileTerminal.xcodeproj in XCode.
  2. Make sure the Device is selected (as opposed to Simulator)
  3. Make sure Release is selected (as opposed to Debug)
  4. From the Build menu select Clean All Targets to erase any previous intermediate files
  5. Make sure deb is selected as the Active Target
  6. From the Build menu select Build

Tips and Tricks for working with Mobile Terminal: http://code.google.com/p/mobileterminal/wiki/TipsAndTricks