NAME: Johan Sulaiman
UNI: js5063

The following code's purpose is to perform network protocols emulation, specifically the Go-Back-N (GBN) protocol and the Distance Vector Routing Algorithm-based protocol.
The code is written and runnable with python 2.7.6. It contains three executables: This executable implements a simple Go-Back-N protocol which is part of the link layer. This executable implements a Distance-Vector Routing algorithm, which is part of the network layer. This executable implements a combined emulator using GBN protocol and Distance Vector Routing algorithm.

A. There are two nodes involved here, a sender node and a receiver node. The sender sends UDP packets to the receiver, utilizing GBN. 
It takes the following as parameters: 
* self-port: the sending port
* peer-port: the receiver port
* window-size: the size of the window in GBN
* emulation mode: either deterministic or probabilistic emulation of lost or dropped packets
* emulation value: the frequency or the probability of how packets should be dropped by the emulator

Every packet contains one character in the data section. It also contains a header component that is used to store the segment ID of the packet. 
ACKs are sent back to the sender from the receiver, with the data section containing null.

At the start of the program the entries inputted by the user using the <send> command is placed in a buffer.

The program utilizes multithreading; one thread to listen for incoming packets, and another to perform timeout and sending/resending mechanism.

B. A graph based program utilizing Bellman-Ford distance vector algorithm, where graph: G = (N,E). Where N is a set of routers = {u,v,w,x,y,z} and E is a set of links = {(u,v),(u,x),(v,x),(v,w),(x,w),(x,y),(w,y),(w,z),(y,z)}
   c(w,z) is the cost of the link. At initialization the nodes involved send their routing table to its immediate neighbor. These tables are then evaluated using Bellman-Ford algorithm. There are two operations: 1) If a new node is 
   discovered in the incoming routing table, it gets added to the receiving node's routing table. 2) Distances in the incoming routing table is then calculated against the receiving node's routing table. If the incoming distance is
   shorter, then the receiver routing table's distance and next hop information is updated.

C. This emulator combines the GBN and the DV protocols. The distance of each link will be the packet loss rate on that link calculated by the GBN protocol. The following setting is used for GBN:
* Window size is always 5
* Data packet will only be dropped probabilistically
* ACK will never be dropped
* Timeout is 500ms

* The packet in is implemented using a list of dictionaries.
Each dictionary has two components: the "data" and the "header" . The "data" section of the dictionary contains the 1 character data in the case
of sender packet, or contains null in the case of a receiver packet. The header contains the following: 1) "sequence" represents the packet header which contains the packet's sequence number.
The entries are in order to aid the program to figure out packets' order. 2) "Acked" represents whether the packet has been sent "no", or has been acknowledged "yes". "Acked" = None means the packet has not been sent. 3) "fin", which represents whether
the packet is involved in the transmission of the last packet or not.
* A buffer is a container of the individual data about to be sent
* A window is specified as a parameter during program launch. This determines the size of the GBN window, which helps ensure reliable data transfer.
* The program also implements a timer, which will timeout if an expected ACK is not received within 500ms. At a timeout event, every packet in the window
will be resent, and the timer restarted.
* The timer starts after the first time the lowest packet number in window is sent, or restarted if sending all packets in the window (including the one having the lowest sequence number)
* The receiver only sends an ACK when it receives an expected, in-order packet from the receiver. If not, it will do nothing.
* json is imported to assist in sending and receiving packets in json format

The routing table in DVNODE is a list that contains dictionaries. Each dictionary contains information about Sender Node, Target Node, Distance between them, Next Hop information (if any), and some operational flags to aid with the 
computation of the Bellman-Ford algorithm. Sending and receiving uses UDP, and is transmitted as json objects. The Bellman-Ford algorithm first initializes the graph by having the nodes send routing information to their neighbors,
and afterwards iterating through a distance minimization calculation, and updating their local tables accordingly.

The emulator utilizes probe packets to determine the link cost via GBN. At first, every link cost between nodes is set to zero. As probe packets are sent, the link weight provided in the command line argument starts to emerge and converge.
This is then stored in the routing table of each nodes as link costs.

JSON versus XML:
Encoding and decoding JSON in Python:
Python multithreading tutorial: