
Lab Guides for serverless datalake on AWS

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Building Serverless Data Lakes on AWS

Note: this fork uses US West (Oregon)

Author: Unni Pillai | Amazon Web Services | Twitter | Linkedin

Updated by: Vikas Omer | Amazon Web Services | Linkedin

Architecture Diagram

Learning outcomes from this workshop?

  • Design serverless data lake architecture
  • Build a data processing pipeline and Data Lake using Amazon S3 for storing data
  • Use Amazon Kinesis for real-time streaming data
  • Use AWS Glue to automatically catalog datasets
  • Run interactive ETL scripts in an Amazon SageMaker Jupyter notebook connected to an AWS Glue development endpoint
  • Query data using Amazon Athena & visualize it using Amazon QuickSight


  • You need to have access to an AWS account with AdminstratorAccess
  • This lab should be executed in us-west-2 region
  • Best is to follow links from this guide & open them in new a tab
  • Run this lab in a modern browser


Module Link
Ingest and Store link
Catalog Data link
Transform Data with AWS Glue link
Analyze with Athena link
Visualize with Quicksight link
Lambda link
Cleanup link

Please do check on the pre-requisites for each module before starting the activities within the module.

Also, do not forget to clean up the resources at the end of the workshop!

Build on!