
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a simple wrapper around ldapjs for basic operations against an Active Directory instance. If you're looking for a robust interface, you may be interested in activedirectory2.

What can you do with adldap?

  • Issue generic searches
  • Find users
  • Authenticate arbitrary users
  • Determine if a user is a member of a specific group
  • Update specific attribute values

This library was written because activedirectory2 pulls back too much data when retreiving groups. I merely need the list of names; activedirectory2 pulls back much more information than that.

If I ever get the time and desire, I may flesh out this library more. Pull requests are always welcome.


const adldapFactory = require('adldap')()
const client = adldapFactory({
  searchUser: 'dn=Generic Searcher,ou=accounts,dn=example,dn=com',
  searchUserPass: 'supersecret',
  ldapjs: {
    url: 'ldaps://ad.example.com',
    searchBase: 'dn=example,dn=com',
    scope: 'sub'

// You must bind before you can do anything else.
  .then(() => {
      .then((user) => console.log(user.memberOf))
      .catch((err) => console.error(err))
      .then(() => client.unbind())
  .catch((err) => console.error(err))

You could also "flatten" the code via Bluebird and bluebird-co:

const Promise = require('bluebird')

function * doItGenerator () {
  try {
    yield client.bind()

    const user = yield client.findUser('someUser')

    yield client.unbind()
  } catch (e) {

const doIt = Promise.coroutine(doItGenerator)


  • searchUser: A fully qualified DN to a user that can perform searches against your Active Directory.
  • searchUserPass: The search user's password, obviously.
  • ldapjs
    • url: The URL to your Active Directory in LDAP format.
    • searchBase: Default search base to use for all searches unless overridden by a method's options.
    • scope: The default search scope to use for all searches unless overridden by a method's options. Can be 'base', 'one', or 'sub'. Defaults to 'base'. (optional)
    • attributes: An array of default attributes to return with searches. The default list is ['dn', 'cn', 'sn', 'givenName', 'mail', 'memberOf']. If overridden by a method, you must supply the complete list of attributes you want. (optional)


The full documentation is included in the api.md document.

  • authenticate(username, password)
  • bind()
  • findUser(username, options)
  • search(base, options, controls)
  • unbind()
  • userInGroup(username, groupName)
  • replace(dn, change)
  • replaceAttribute(cn, attribute, value)
  • incrementAttribute(cn, attribute)


MIT License