- 2
Search for the flag of a country?
#112 opened by glgray - 1
Switch return and cmd-return option
#111 opened by andylundqvist - 0
- 5
Auto-paste by default
#108 opened by petruut - 1
Search doesn't work as expected
#109 opened by nikhilmaddirala - 2
New Emojis in Version 15.0 do not display icons.
#105 opened by MaterialDan - 1
- 3
Missing emoji icons
#103 opened by circumeo - 10
doesn't work on Ventura 13.3(beta)
#102 opened by AARONAHN - 1
No output on query
#101 opened by wiggins-philip - 7
Emoji choices never appear
#100 opened by glgray - 15
Removing auto-updater for Alfred Gallery
#99 opened by vitorgalvao - 1
Consider adding other languages
#98 opened by gyassine - 3
Improve automated build and release system
#52 opened by jsumners - 1
Tweaks to updater bash script.
#97 opened by whomwah - 5
v2.0.0 not working on Alfred 4
#93 opened by alenvuletic - 0
Implement major version checking in v2
#95 opened by jsumners - 0
Update skin tone docs
#92 opened by jsumners - 0
Local builds should skip auto-updating
#91 opened by jsumners - 0
Super-fast alternative in Golang
#86 opened by devnoname120 - 4
- 1
Add support for case-insensitive search
#82 opened by maxzsol - 17
- 1
- 1
Recently-added emojis don't have thumbnails
#84 opened by solzard - 9
Missing emoji aliases
#78 opened by jefftriplett - 4
claiming my $2.56 🤓
#79 opened by giovannicoppola - 16
Insert by default and `:` keyword
#63 opened by fabswt - 2
Gitmoji support
#70 opened by vitkarpenko - 2
Missing emojis in latest version
#74 opened by miharekar - 2
- 2
Feature to add random emojis
#37 opened by lnunno - 1
keyboard shortcut mapping
#42 opened by avishaan - 3
Add option to copy the emojis codepoint
#57 opened by sascha-wolf - 1
Reverse search
#62 opened by wsoyka - 4
Can not set the skintone
#55 opened by robinduijsens - 5
Some emojis can only be copied as line pictograph
#53 opened by blsqr - 6
- 0
Search results should be scored
#65 opened by devnoname120 - 2
Consider making insert the default when the picker is invoked using a hotkey
#64 opened by devnoname120 - 2
Certain emoji missing i.e. Green Circle 🟢
#61 opened by ATSiem - 3
Set default action on ENTER
#56 opened by gabrielwhite - 1
- 1
Some emijies are not avaliable
#58 opened by kuncevic - 19
- 2
To add skin_tone `random` value
#45 opened by oscard0m - 0
Specify macOS version for build
#47 opened by jsumners - 2
Enable `Dismiss stale pull request approvals when new commits are pushed` option for pull requests
#49 opened by oscard0m - 1
workflow not finding new macOS 11 emoji
#43 opened by glgray - 3
Query defaults to Google search
#36 opened by dsrjarman