
Logging integrations for Go's log/slog package.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A collection of log/slog integrations.


Prettylog is a log/slog handler for pretty console output, designed to be used during development time only.


prettyHandler = prettylog.NewHandler(&slog.HandlerOptions{
    Level:       slog.LevelInfo,
    AddSource:   false,
    ReplaceAttr: nil,
logger := slog.New(prettyHandler)


The stackdriver.Handler is a log/slog handler which will output log messages in the Google Cloud Logging format. It has support for traces, a http middleware which can be used to issue request scoped loggers (with attached request information) and has a WithLogger and GetLogger helper function to store/retrieve a logger from a context.Context object (this is used inside the middleware).