This project is based on Hugo.

  1. Install g:
  2. Install Go: g install latest
  3. Install Hugo: go install -v

To view the site while writing: hugo server -D To build the site into the public directory: hugo

The theme used is Kiera. Kiera supports inlining images with the following syntaxes:

![Image Title](link/to/image)

to wrap it with figure use:

{{< figure src="/link/to/image" >}}

The basic placement is 100% width within content and scaled accordingly in smaller screen. Recommended width for image is 600 pixels minimum.

Kiera supports different placement by adding:

For img, use ![Image Title](link/to/image#placement) For figure, use {{< figure src="/link/to/image" class="placement" >}} There are 4 configured placements

  • #full or class="full" for full width.
  • #mid or class="mid" for middle.
  • #float or class="float" for float left.
  • #float-right or class="float-right" for float right.

Project Notes

Pages With Resources

A page, e.g. "blog post", that incudes things like images are written using Page Bundles. For example, a post on 2022-05-08 titled "Foo Bar" that has an image to include would be added to the project like so:

└── posts
    └── 2022
        └── 05
            └── 08
                └── foo-bar
                    ├── an-image.jpg

Custom Shortcodes

We can define custom shortcodes in layouts/shortcodes/. See for details about shortcodes.

Typically, we want to include some custom CSS for each shortcode. If we include the CSS within a <style> block in the shortcode itself, that CSS will be duplicated for each instance of the shortcode in a page. This is clearly not optimal. To solve this, we:

  1. Put a new stylesheet in static/css/

  2. Add a new conditional block to layouts/partials/header_supplement.html:

     {{ if .HasShortcode "image-center" -}}
         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/image-center.css" />
     {{- end }}