This is a commandline tool for exporting Strava activities into a usable SQLite3 database. This is useful when you want to issue queries like "how far did I ride in 2018 vs 2019". Strava's normal data export comes in a CSV format that is difficult to parse and has very difficult to work with dates (sans any information about timezone). Their API, however, returns usable data.

query example

Setup And Usage

  1. Create an ngrok tunnel to supply as the app domain to the Strava API
  2. Create an app to access the API --
  3. Copy .env.sample to .env and adjust accordingly
  4. Run the app node sats.js ./my-strava-data.sqlite3

Note: Strava imposes rate limiting --

Useful Queries

Miles Ridden In A Year

select sum(distance) * 0.00062137 as miles_ridden
from activities
  datetime(start_date) > datetime('2018-12-31')
  and datetime(start_date) < datetime('2020-01-01')
  and lower(type) in ('ride', 'virtualride');

Distance Ridden Per Gear

  sum(a.distance) * 0.00062137 as miles_ridden,
  (sum(a.moving_time) / 60) / 60 as total_hours
from activities a
join gear b
  on = a.gear_id
group by a.gear_id;

Distance Ridden On New Tires

select sum(distance) * 0.00062137 as miles_ridden
from activities
  datetime(start_date) > (
    select start_date
    from activities
    where description like '%[new tires]%'
      and start_date > datetime('2020-01-01')
  and datetime(start_date) < datetime('2020-12-31')
  and lower(type) in ('ride');