
Circles viz

Primary LanguageJava


This is just a sketch of a bunch of circles floating around a screen.

It was inspired by Martin Wattenberg's talk, "What data scientists can learn from data artists" (http://bit.ly/SFx63x). In the talk, Martin describes an exercise where he asks a room full of novice computer programmers to draw circles with code. I decided it might be fun, and spent about an hour writing my own with Processing.


  1. You can add circles by clicking
  2. The color scheme for new circles varies as you move the mouse around the screen.

You can view a live (although possibly not up-to-date) version of it here: http://viz.runningwithdata.com/circles/

And if you really like it, make it your OSX screensaver by using WebSaver: http://code.google.com/p/websaver/