
Primary LanguageShell

Advanced Linux Template : Deploy a Multi VM MapR Cluster


This advanced template creates a Multi VM MapR Cluster. Users can select which instance types to use; storage for each node is currently defined in the template itself (scaled to 2 1TB volumes per vcore for each instance type).

The Control System interface to the cluster will be available at https://[cluster_node_0]:8443

The installation itself utilizes the MapR Installer service (deployed on node0). Should you wish to install additional ecosystem components on the cluster, you can connect to that service at https://[cluster_node_0]:9443

For more details on the template itself and customizing it to your needs, please reference DEVELOPERS.txt in this repository.

Command Line Usage

The template deployment is supported via the Azure Command Line utility (available from http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/xplat-cli/#configure ).

After installing that utility and authenticating to the Azure environment, you can take the following steps to deploy a cluster from the command line :

  1. Clone the default parameters file (azuredeploy-parameters.json)
  2. Update the new parameter file, ap.json, with your desired settings for clusterName and adminPassword
  3. Launch a resource group and deploy the MapR software

    azure group create "newgroup" westus -f azuredeploy.json -d MapRtest -e ap.json

Resource Naming Conventions

The template creates new storage account resources for each node in the cluster. Because the namespace for storage accounts is global across Azure regions, you must be careful to specify a unique MapR cluster name in order to avoid errors during the deployment.