
A few algos I am learning/praticing

Primary LanguageJava


A colleaction of basic algorithms, every computer programmer should know.


  1. Union Find data structure
  2. Stacks, Queues, Bags - Linked Lists and Resizing Arrays
  3. Elementary Sorts - Selection, Insertion, Shell
  4. Knuth Shuffle
  5. Mergesort
  6. Quicksort, Random Selection
  7. Priority Queues - Heaps and Heapsort
  8. Symbol Tables
  9. BSTs
  10. Red Black BSTs
  11. KD Trees
  12. Separate Chaining Hash tables
  13. Linear probing hash tables

To implement:

  1. Graph algrithms
  2. Spatial data structures - Quadtree, Geohash