
This noJQuery, which is a library to ease dealing with HTML components in javascript, without the overhead of jQuery

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

nojQuery - this is not jQuery

This is nojQuery, which is a library to ease dealing with HTML components in javascript... without the overhead of jQuery.


If there exists jQuery... it is possible to have some questions about nojQuery

Why nojQuery?

Because jQuery is a powerful library with a lot of cool things and features... that I do not usually need. So I wanted to have a subset of jQuery functions, that I frequently use in my applications. And if I need jQuery, be able to easily get back to it.

How nojQuery is different to jQuery?

I am trying to make nojQuery as compatible as possible with jQuery, so that I do not need to invest too work to get back to jQuery. That is why I'll try to use the same function names for each equivalent task, and the parameters for these functions will be compatible with the jQuery's calls.

Will nojQuery add new features?

Absolutely yes. And I will try to make it in a manner that it would be easy to implement them for jQuery. And the first new feature is related to the basic usage of the main function _$(...)

Including nojQuery in your project

From a CDN

The preferred method to use nojQuery is to get it from a CDN:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jsutilslib/nojquery@1/nojquery.min.js"></script>

From sources

In case that you want to use the sources to host the scripts in your server, you'd have to get the source and then generate the final file.

$ git clone https://github.com/jsutilslib/nojquery.git

Then you need to install uglifyjs (e.g. using npm install -g uglifyjs) and make (e.g. apt install make) and then make the target:

$ cd nojquery
$ make

nojQuery new concepts

The basic entry to nojQuery is by calling function _$(...).

The idea of function _$ is pretty much the same than function $ from jQuery, except for the nojQuery adds some extra features.

Using jQuery may be difficult to create collections of unrelated elements (e.g. trying to obtain a collection of elements with id #obj1 and #obj2). Using nojQuery is as easy as

_$('#obj1', '#obj2')

And this is the most disrupting feature of nojQuery with respect to jQuery.

Function _$ returns an array of HTML Elements that contain the collection of objects obtained by searching for the selectors in the document (or in a previous collection), along with the explicit elements added in the call.

Function _$ accepts a variable number of arguments of these types:

  1. string, that will be used to create objects using common HTML language, but if that does not generate any object, _$ will search objects by means of calls of querySelectorAll.
  2. HTML elements, that represent objects (either in the DOM or not yet created), that will be added to the collection.
  3. functions, that will be considered as handlers for the document when the DOM is loaded.
  4. collections, obtained be means of calls to _$ function.
  5. arrays of any of the previous object types.

To solve the concept of the context in calls to jQuery's function $, nojQuery adds the call _$ to the resulting collections. So that (e.g.) it is possible to search for elements with class btn in objects with ids obj1 and obj2 by a construction like _$('#obj1', '#obj2')._$('.btn').

(*) The special call _$() will shortcut to the objects in the context. So _$() will be equivalent to _$(document), and the special call _$(...)._$() will shortcut to the objects obtained by the call _$(...).


  1. _$('#obj1', '#obj2') returns a collection with the objects with ids obj1 and obj2.
  2. _$('#obj1', document.getElementById("obj2")) returns a collection with the objects with ids obj1 and obj2.
  3. _$( () => console.log('initialized') ) executes function () => console.log('initialized') when the DOM is ready.

Functions available

  • on(eventName, eventHandler), that adds an eventHandler to event eventName.
  • off(eventName, eventHandler), that removes the eventHandler for event eventName (if no eventHandler is specified, it will remove any event handler).
  • addClass(...className), that adds the css classes in the parameters.
  • removeClass(...className), that removes the css classes in the parameters.
  • attr that is used to set and to get attributes from the collection
    • attr(attrName, attrValue), sets the value attrValue for attribute attrName.
    • attr(attrName) retrieves the value of attribute attrName
    • attrs(attrDictionary), that enables to set a group of attributes that are the keys and values in dictionary attrDictionary.
    • attrs(attrList), that retrieves a set of attributes from the first object of the collection.
  • droppable(onDropFiles, onDropOther), that makes an object droppable, and will call onDropFiles or onDropOther upon receiving anything.

These functions are enabled to the collections resulting of calls to _$.

E.g. $('.btn').on('click', (event) => console.log(event) ) will add a handler for click event to each object with class .btn in the document.

Help on functions

Function attr:

  • attr(attrName): retrieves the attribute attrName of the first element in the collection
  • attr(attrName, attrValue): sets the attribute attrName to value attrValue for all the elements in the collection
  • attr(attrNamesList, convertCamelcaseToSnakecase): retrieves a list that contains the values for each attrName in attrNames
  • attr(attrNameValuesObject, convertCamelcaseToSnakecase): attrNameValues is a dictionary of values { attrName: attrValue } to be set for each element in the collection.
    • the resulting dict has a function [removeNulls] attached to it that is able to remove the keys with null values. E.g. {v1:null,v2:"val1",v3:3} => {v2:"val1",v3:3}

Each of the attributes in the list can be written in the form <attributeName[:type]> where the type may be one of [ string, bool, int, float ] and the value will be casted to the specific type. If ommited, the type is a string.

In any cases, parameter convertCamelcaseToSnakecase is used to query or to set the attribute names converting the input camelCase to a snake-case.


  • _$('div').attrs(["myAttribute"]) having <div my-attribute="value"> will return {myAttribute:"value"}.
  • _$('div').attr({myAttribute:"other value"}, true) will set <div my-attribute="other value">