
Query Openshift and Hawkular APIs for metrics data

Primary LanguagePython

Kwek Metrics

See aggregated metrics of your OpenShift projects. Customize with multiple OpenShift instances and different metrics.


To setup your virtualenv:

$ mkvirtualenv kwek
$ setvirtualenvproject kwek path_to_project

# Optionally, create a new project with
$ mkproject kwek
$ git clone git@github.com:jsvgoncalves/kwek-metrics .

Then, every time you work on the project, run:

$ workon kwek

To install the dependencies run:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

And development dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt


Make sure you have all front-end development dependencies installed:

$ npm install

To enter watch mode on mix:

$ npm run watch

Virtualenvwrapper cheatsheet

# To stop working
$ deactivate
# To show all environments
$ workon
# To show installed packages
$ lssitepackages