
Vagrant Fedora 23 for Openshift V3 dev - (works with virtualbox 5)

Primary LanguageShell

Vagrant Fedora 23 Openshift Origin V3.

In active development
This is an unofficial vagrant Fedora23 Image for Openshift Origin V3 development.


vagrant-triggers - Triggers to allow the machine to reboot.
vagrant-reload - used to reload the vagrant image while provisioning so that it can load the new compiled kernel modules for virtualbox guest additions.

So before procedding vagrant plugin install vagrant-triggers and vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload.
This image is based on boxcutter/fedora23 vagrant image.

Pre-provisioned machine on atlas:

Will be available soon:

vagrant init codeflavour/f23origindevel
vagrant up


If you didn't compile origin so far then in your openshift repo do make clean build.
When provisioning the vagrant machine you can also turn verbose lower with export ANSIBLE_VERBOSE='v'.
The ansible config assumes you have the binaries in {{origin_bin_path}}/.
See vars/all to change that path in case you have a different arch.
This images uses 4096 MB of RAM by default, if you want to change that, you can export ORIGINDEVEL_MEMORY=xxxx, i recommend at least 2048 MB.

Origin V3 development

  • vagrant up
  • Code.
  • make clean install recompile openshift with the latest changes you made. It's encouraged to make clean install on your host because of vboxfs is slow and compiling inside the guest would take longer.
  • sudo service openshift restart inside the vagrant machine.
  • you can see the logs from openshift server inside the vagrant machine with journalctl -f -u openshift
  • For the origin UI go to: https://localhost:8443.
  • if for some reason the openshit service didn't start, sudo service openshift restart.

Before using oc:

(These steps will be automated later)

  • source /scripts/1-export-config set config ENV variables for openshift. - needs to be set every time you log in.
  • /scripts/2-create-registry-and-router - creates a registry and router, needs to be run only once.
  • /scripts/3-create-project - creates a demo project username is demo pass: a.
  • /scripts/4-create-image-streams - creates most used image streams.

Besides exporting the config, the rest of the commands need to be run once. If you use /scripts/cleanup then you need to run all of the scripts again.


Last login: Tue Jan 19 09:48:19 2016 from
Welcome to your Packer-built virtual machine.
[vagrant@origindevel ~]$ source /scripts/1-export-config
[vagrant@origindevel ~]$ /scripts/2-create-registry-and-router
Adding view role to 'demo' user in the default namespace ...
Creating Docker registry ...
DeploymentConfig "docker-registry" created
Service "docker-registry" created
Creating router ... skipped: missing service account setup
[vagrant@origindevel ~]$ /scripts/3-create-project
Creating project 'demo' ...
Now using project "demo" on server "".

You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try:

    $ oc new-app centos/ruby-22-centos7~https://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world.git

to build a new hello-world application in Ruby.
[vagrant@origindevel ~]$ /scripts/4-create-image-streams
Creating image streams ...
imagestream "ruby" created
imagestream "nodejs" created
imagestream "perl" created
imagestream "php" created
imagestream "python" created
imagestream "wildfly" created
imagestream "mysql" created
imagestream "postgresql" created
imagestream "mongodb" created
imagestream "jenkins" created
[vagrant@origindevel ~]$ oc login
Authentication required for (openshift)
Username: demo
Login successful.

You have access to the following projects and can switch between them with 'oc project <projectname>':

  * default
  * demo (current)
  * openshift

Using project "demo".

Adding options to openshift start

If you want to add more options for the openshift server then you have to edit /home/vagrant/openshift/origin.

# here you can define your own start parameters for 'openshift start' command
OPTIONS='--public-master=localhost --latest-images=true'

and then do sudo service openshift restart for the server to take the new options.


Every time you change something in the buildconfig of the openshift server, you need to rebuild the builder images. The official way is to do a hack/hack/build-base-images.sh, if you wan to save time on that, you can just do /scripts/extras/rebuild-docker-builder or /scripts/extras/rebuild-s2i-builder.
If you want to cleanup your openshift generated files and containers /scripts/cleanup and /scripts/docker-cleanup and do sudo service openshift restart so that openshift generates a new config to work with.
Paranoid mode: you can also remove all containers and all images with the following commands:
running and non-running containers

for i in `docker ps -a | grep -v CREATED | awk '{print $1}'`; do docker rm -f $i; done

and present docker images:

for i in `docker images | grep -v IMAGE | awk '{print $3}'`; do docker rmi -f $i; done

Remeber this will remove all images, so if you rebuilt your builder images to update the code, you need to do that again after this.