Combine your Python virtualenvs into unlimited configurations.
Developed at BuzzFeed.
Most of my projects are modular in nature. Yours probably are too. The large bulk of my projects involve some combination of:
- Web-scraping and data-fetching
- Data analysis
- Web development
For each of these tasks, I've found a set of Python libraries that fit my needs well. Rather than download and install SciPy for the nth time, wouldn't it be nice just to build on top of already-installed versions? Enter envplus
takes advantage of Python's .pth file convention. It creates (and manipulates) a special file, _envplus.pth
, in the site-packages
directory of your current virtualenv.
pip install envplus
If you're like me, a lot of your projects involve fetching and parsing web pages. So let's build a virtualenv that contains a handy trio of packages for this task.
mkvirtualenv scraping
pip install requests
pip install lxml
pip install cssselect
For a lot of projects, you'll probably also want to store information in some sort of database. Let's make a bare-bones virtualenv for this task, too.
mkvirtualenv dbstorage
pip install dataset
Now let's say you're working on a project to scrape cat GIFs from BuzzFeed and store them in a database. Rather than reinstall all the packages above, you can just do this:
mkvirtualenv buzzcats
envplus add scraping dbstorage
Now you can use requests
, lxml
, cssselect
, and dataset
in your buzzcats
virtualenv. The actions you take in the buzzcats
virtualenv will not harm or alter your other virtualenvs. (Even if you run pip uninstall
.) And upgrades to scraping
and other envplus add
'ed virtualenvs will become immediately available to buzzcats
To use envplus
, virtualenvwrapper
must be installed and your target virtualenv must be currenlty activated.
Make another virtualenv's packages available to your current virtualenv. Accepts multiple, space-separated virtualenv names.
envplus add scraping dbstorage
Remove a previously added virtualenv from your current virtualenv. Accepts multiple, space-separated virtualenv names.
envplus rm scraping dbstorage
"Pauses" previously added virtualenvs, so that they remain in _envplus.pth
(as commented lines) but do not effect the current virtualenv. If virtualenv names are provided, only those are paused. Otherwise, all previously added virtualenvs are paused.
# To pause all
envplus pause
# To pause just one
envplus pause dbstorage
Un-pauses previously added virtualenvs. If virtualenv names are provided, only those are resumed. Otherwise, all previously added virtualenvs are resumed.
# To resume all
envplus resume
# To resume just one
envplus resume dbstorage
List added virtualenvs. By default, lists only non-paused additions. -p
will list only paused additions, and -a
will list all additions.
Temporarily adds your virtualenvs' bin
-paths to your current PATH
before running command
. Lets you use other virtualenvs' command-line programs.
# Create a dummy virtualenv with csvkit
mkvirtualenv csvtest
pip install csvkit
# Create newenv and add csvtest
mkvirtualenv newenv
envplus add csvtest
# While in newenv, run csvkit's csvcut command-line utility
echo "a,b,c" | envplus run csvcut -c 2
Print the path of the active virtualenv's _envplus.pth
envplus path
Print the contents of the active virtualenv's _envplus.pth
envplus cat
Open the active virtualenv's _envplus.pth
file in your default editor. You probably shouldn't do this. Mostly for debugging purposes.
envplus edit
- Add tests.
- Test on wider variety of systems and virtualenv(wrapper) versions.