Vaultwarden Kube Backup

This was created as most of the backup solutions I found for Bitwarden ran as a sidecar using cron to run scheduled backups whereas I wanted something I could run as a Kubernetes Cronjob

The container does the following:

  • For the files in the directory specified in the VW_PATH environment variable (defaults to /data)
    • Creates an SQLIte backup of db.sqlite3
    • Creates a tar.gz (name is current date and time) of all files in this folder except
      • db.sqlite3
      • db.sqlite3-shm
      • db.sqlite3-wal
  • Uploads the created tar.gz to the S3 bucket specified by the BACKUP_S3_BUCKET environment variable into the key specifed by the BACKUP_S3_KEY environment variable (defaults to Vaultwarden)
  • Cleans up the SQLite backup from VW_PATH


Latest is currently accessible from CI will be added in the next couple of days

The container takes the following envirnment variables

Variable Name Description Required Default
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Access key ID to access AWS S3 bucket N
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Secret access key to access AWS S3 bucket N
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION Default region for AWS access N
BACKUP_S3_BUCKET Name of S3 Bucket in which to store backup Y
BACKUP_S3_KEY S3 Key to store backups under N vaultwarden
VW_PATH Path to Vaultwarden Data Directory N /data