Scripts to help me setup a development environment on the systems I tinker with.
I like to install ansible on these systems, then have playbooks perform the majority of the configuration on the machine.
- Your package manager is apt-get.
- I try to verify gpg-keys when I can
- I try to select ppas managed directly by the source's creators, or confirmed to be a reputable source.
Step 1: Install git and clone this repo
sudo apt-get install git
Step 2: Install ansible
source ~/.bashrc
Step 3: Run the ansible playbook
ansible-playbook devEnv.yaml --ask-become-pass
Installed Software
- ansible
- eclipse Java EE
- Shell Script Editor
- YAML Editor
- chromium-browser
- meld
- unzip
- jmeter
- python-pip
- passlib
- cryptography
- git prompt
- Note: this will change your prompt
- git auto-complete
- apt-get
- sublime
- jdk8
- python-simplejson
- libssl-dev
- python-dev
- python-setuptools
- python-apt
- vim
- gnupg2
- git
- maven
- openssh-server
- mysql-server
TODO List:
- Make jmeter versioning determined automatically
- Add sublime packages
- Add git configuration for email and user name in vault
- Figure out git force to unix line endings always