Colorscheme that focus ease of use and clearly defined contrasting colors with a slightly earthy tone
You don’t need to do anything for this colorscheme to work in GVim or MacVim.
To use Srcery in the terminal you need to change your terminal emulator’s so-called “ASCII” colors to the ones in the table below. I've included colorscheme files for various terminals in the term_color folder, but since I haven't tested all of them some issues may arise. If your terminal is different or the file won't work please let me know so I can add/update/fix the file in question.
------- -- ------- -------------
black 0 #1C1B19 28, 27, 25
red 1 #EF2F27 239, 47, 39
green 2 #519F50 81, 159, 80
yellow 3 #FBB829 251, 184, 41
blue 4 #2C78BF 44, 120, 191
magenta 5 #E02C6D 224, 44, 109
cyan 6 #0AAEB3 10, 174, 179
white 7 #918175 145, 129, 117
brblack 8 #2D2C29 45, 44, 41
brred 9 #F75341 247, 83, 65
brgreen 10 #98BC37 152, 188, 55
bryellow 11 #FED06E 254, 208, 110
brblue 12 #68A8E4 104, 168, 228
brmagenta 13 #FF5C8F 255, 92, 143
brcyan 14 #53FDE9 83, 253, 233
brWhite 15 #FCE8C3 252, 232, 195
If the colors still don't look right, ensure that 256 colors are enabled in vim by setting this option before setting the colorscheme.
set t_Co=256
Put srcery.vim
in ~/.vim/colors/
(on unix-like systems) or %userprofile%\vimfiles\colors\
(on Windows).
Using a plugin manager for vim.
Plug 'roosta/srcery'
I've included a few toggles due to discrepancies in the various setups possible.
To change any of these you'd put something like this in your .vimrc
let g:srcery_italic = 1
Enables bold text. default: 1
Enables italic text. default: gui 1, term 0
Enables underlined text. default: 1
Enables undercurled text. default: 1
Enables inverse colors. default: 1
Change how highlighted matching parenthesis look. When enabled will invert matching parens making the match more visible. Disabled and the match will light up as bryellow bold.
Works best with Rainbow parenthesis
default: 0
:color srcery
If you like what you see and decide to make srcery your default colorscheme, add the relevant line to your vimrc:
colorscheme srcery
Typeface used in screenshots is Iosevka
Lightline colorscheme. To use it, include 'srcery' value in lightline configuration, like so:
let g:lightline = {
\ 'colorscheme': 'srcery',
\ }
These don't require any additional configuration.
Srcery uses some xterm colors to pad out the color selection. Notable colors are:
------- --- ------- ----------
orange 166 #D75F00 215, 95, 0
brorange 208 #FF8700 255, 135, 0
hard_black 233 #121212 18, 18, 18
xgrey1 235 #262626 38, 38, 38
xgrey2 236 #303030 48, 48, 48
xgrey3 237 #3A3A3A 58, 58, 58
xgrey4 238 #444444 68, 68, 68
xgrey5 239 #4E4E4E 78, 78, 78
These colors relies on the 256 colors defined by your terminal, I don't change any of these colors, I just rely on the xterm palette. This might look different on different environments.
This project started as essentially a palette swap of Gruvbox and all credit goes to the maintainers of that fantasic colorscheme. I wanted something a bit sharper, but I loved the syntax color choices of gruvbox. I also tried to make the theme as simple to use as possible, which was inspired by Flattened. Other themes that influenced Srcery:
I've adapted this colorscheme to various other formats, and I thought I'd share some of them here: