ML METADATA - Vertex Pipelines with Google Cloud Types

Using Google cloud types along with artifacts allow users to store metadata automatically as they are created.


In pipelines-with-metadata, users will create two custom components

  • The first component will create a BQTable artifact subclass
  • The second component will read the data and store a csv extract to gcs in the form of a custom artifact

Example Usage

def save_schedule_to_gcs(
    bq_table: Input[BQTable],
    project_id: str,
    bucket_name: str,
    destination_blob_name: str,
    region: str = 'us-central1'
) -> NamedTuple('outputs'
, pandas_data=Artifact)
return (pandas_data, )

To get an understanding of how the pipeline components connect, the DAG is developed using outputs and inputs:

    pull_baseball_data_op = pull_baseball_data(
        year = year,
        project_id = project_id,
        dataset_id = dataset_id,
        output_table_name = output_table_name
    ).set_display_name("Pull Public Baseball Data Schedules")

    save_schedule_pandas_gcs_op = save_schedule_to_gcs(
        bq_table = pull_baseball_data_op.outputs['bq_table'],
        project_id = project_id,
        bucket_name = bucket_name,
        destination_blob_name = destination_blob_name
    ).set_display_name("Save the csv data to GCS")

pull_baseball_data_op.outputs['bq_table'] is an example of pulling the output artifact from the component.

Accessing data lineage

Be sure to select an artifact and click on view lineage:

Using pipeline components

Official guide here Notebook [here](./Intro to Vertex Pipelines.ipynb)

Other Guides