- 0
- 3
[enhancement]: flat configs are possibly undefined
#3878 opened by CHC383 - 2
Suggestion: Rule to disallow using restricted values like "key" as a prop name
#3884 opened by Sweater-Baron - 3
[Bug]: React version not specified... even if it is
#3862 opened by sheam - 7
- 25
[Bug]: Warning: React version specified in eslint-plugin-react-settings must be a valid semver version, or "detect"; got “^17”
#3857 opened by Redirts - 17
[Bug]: react/no-danger — TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')
#3833 opened by sylvainDNS - 1
Suggestion: `no-redundant-key`
#3880 opened by SimonSchick - 4
valueRegex for forbid-dom-props rule
#3876 opened by makxca - 1
- 1
[Bug]: flat configs are possibly undefined
#3874 opened by filipw01 - 3
[Bug]: [react/prop-types] False positive when using `FC`-derived custom type for Functional Components
#3873 opened by HazyFish - 3
- 0
- 1
[Bug]: `hook-use-state` is not doing what the documentation says it does
#3872 opened by ericmorand-sonarsource - 3
[Bug]: `react/no-unused-prop-types` reports false positives if multiple components use the same prop type
#3868 opened by ej612 - 2
Should peer dependency be updated to support v9?
#3869 opened by jamborski-dev - 16
[Bug]: TS types are broken
#3838 opened by burtek - 1
[Bug]: incorrect type for Flat Config
#3867 opened by renchris - 0
- 0
- 5
Rule to forbid component dot notation?
#3860 opened by FezVrasta - 2
- 3
[Bug]: "react/jsx-handler-names" extremely slow with "checkInlineFunction: true " on a single file?
#3858 opened by webmatrixxxl - 0
[Bug]: prop-types, triggers on properties called `props` that are not component props
#3861 opened by rjgotten - 1
[Bug]: react/boolean-prop-naming validateNested config doesn't work with typescript interfaces
#3856 opened by Phebonacci - 2
[Enhancement]: jsx-handler-names reports error with inline ternary conditional callbacks
#3855 opened by stevensacks - 0
- 3
- 3
- 4
Rule Proposal: no-duplicate-use-context
#3850 opened by dislido - 4
[Feature Request]: Improve documention for new eslint 9 flat configuration for shared monorepo project
#3816 opened by alefduarte - 0
[Bug]: react/boolean-prop-naming not working with component wrapper functions
#3844 opened by Afgan0r - 4
[Bug]: If boolean props are in JSX, the react/jsx-no-literals rule in latest update(7.36.0) throws exception and breaks ESLINT
#3820 opened by aswinsekar - 2
Proposal: jsx-no-mixed-title
#3839 opened by jamesarosen - 3
[Bug]: `no-leaked-render` won't accept explicit `Boolean()` coercion, only implicit coercion with `!!`
#3811 opened by xml - 7
[Bug]: The latest version is giving a ESLint error (No default export found in imported module)
#3837 opened by petervmeijgaard - 2
- 3
- 2
[CI]: Unnecssary CI runs waste time & resources
#3832 opened by StyleShit - 9
[Bug]: "Do not use isMounted" linting errors after upgrading to latest `eslint-plugin-react` (v7.36.0)
#3819 opened by ethanPlumbly - 1
[Bug]: `react/jsx-no-literals` crashes with `Cannot read properties of null (reading 'type')`
#3822 opened by reosarevok - 3
- 4
- 2
- 2
[Bug]: indentation incorrect
#3815 opened by zzzgit - 4
[Bug]: `jsx-curly-brace-presence` creating invalid code when auto-fixing
#3814 opened by dennisoelkers - 7
- 4
Rule proposal: Auto fix `prop={prop}` to `{...{prop}}`
#3804 opened by nik-rev - 4
[Bug]: Warning: React version not specified in eslint-plugin-react settings
#3802 opened by SalahAdDin