
Without X_umap in obsm of output adata

houruiyan opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, I am sorry to bother you again.
When I finish running SCALEX, I found that adata did not include X_umap in obsm. Is this right? I remember l can directly get X_umap in obsm layer. This is my output adata structure.
Something changed? or I remember wrong?

Thank you in advance.

Hi Ruiyan, did you have umap.png in your outdir where adata is located? The reason may be because sc.pl.umap was not activated in SCALEX in your case. Here what I am testing is right. The adata should have
Screen Shot 2022-10-27 at 05 24 50
It would be helpful if you could your command or the way how you run SCALEX.

Thank you for your reply!

Yes, I have the umap.png in my outdir. Here is my command.
nohup SCALEX.py --data_list final_cave.h5ad final_surface.h5ad final_zebrafish.h5ad --batch_categories cave surface zebrafish --outdir ./SCALEX_out/ &

This is my output file.

Thank you!

Could you also provide the SCALEX version? It is really wierd that there is no X_umap in adata after plotting the umap.png since it will not be deleted.

I am sorry for late reply. Now, I think it is ok when I update the SCALEX version by using
pip install git+https://github.com/jsxlei/scalex.git .

I think the v1.0.0 may produce the problem that I report.
Thank you very much for your warm help.