
Canvas-based project for drawing overlapping animated backgrounds (gif/video or static) masked by cubic beziers.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Canvas-based javascript component for creating backgrounds masked at the top and/or bottom with bezier curves.

Markup Usage

Create an element with the following attributes:

(required) data-background="type params..."

A space-separated list of parameters starting with the type of background to use. Valid types:

  • video: second parameter should be a basename, to which ogv/mp4/webm/jpg are appended to determine the video to load. The following would load "/videos/myvideobasename.ogv" etc, for example:

      <div data-background="video /videos/myvideobasename">...</div>
  • image: second parameter should be the image path. The image will be stretched to fill the container, maintaining aspect ratio.

      <div data-background="image https://your-domain/your-image.png">...</div>
  • solid: used for solid backgrounds; 2nd parameter is anything conforming to the CSS <color> value.

      <div data-background="solid #000">...</div>

(optional) data-top="<bezier values>", data-bottom="<bezier values>"

<bezier values> is a series of eight floating point numbers representing a bezier curve from left to right. -top and -bottom determine which curve you're specifying. Each value should be separated by a single space.

From left to right, the values are a set of four X, Y pairs as follows:

start, control point 1, control point 2, end


<section id="curve-me" data-top="0 0.5 0.33 1 0.66 0 1 0.5" data-background="solid #000">

Both of these attributes are optional, but you should specify one or both, otherwise you've just got a box...

Javascript Usage

With the Markup Usage section satisfied, simply instantiate a new WibblyElement object for each element you have set up.

In simplest form, new WibblyElement(document.querySelector('#curve-me')); from the example above.

For jQuery (which is not required), you might do something like:

jQuery(function($) {
	$('.wibbly').each(function(idx,el) {
		new WibblyElement(el);