News API ETL data pipeline

This repo contains a simple data pipeline ingesting data from News API (API docs).

Pipeline overview

High level architecture of the pipeline:

News API ETL architecture

Running pipeline

You can either create a virtual environment and install all the requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt or use Docker & docker-compose.

All secrets - such as News API key & AWS keys - are kept in .env file located at the root of the repository (use .env.example as a guide to fill in appropriate variables).

To run the pipeline from virtual environment, type:


To run the pipeline when using Docker, type:

docker-compose build
docker-compose run news_api_etl python

Setting up transformed data destination

S3 Bucket

By default, pipeline is configured to use AWS S3 bucket as its target (news_api_etl.loaders.S3CSVLoader class handles upload to S3). When using S3 as a destination, make sure that you fill in appropriate env variables in .env file and that your IAM user is configured properly (it has sufficient permissions to put objects into s3://<your_bucket_name/* keys).

data_loader = S3CSVLoader(

Local disk

If you'd like to ingest the data into your local disk instead of S3, then use news_api_etl.loaders.LocalDiskCSVLoader.

Just instantiate it inside file and pass as an argument when creating pipeline object, for example:

data_loader = LocalDiskCSVLoader(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "extracted_data")

Above snippet would instantiate a loader object that would save CSVs to extracted_data directory on your hard drive.

Running tests

To execute project's tests, please run below command:

docker-compose build
docker-compose run news_api_etl python -m unittest

S3 dependency is mocked with moto library.

Other considerations

News API Developer account limitations

I used News API developer account for this project and it comes with a limitation of fetching 100 results at maximum (if you try to paginate to any page that has an offset greater than 100, you'd get a 426 status code in response).

Exemplary payload of such response:

{'status': 'error',
 'code': 'maximumResultsReached',
 'message': 'You have requested too many results. Developer accounts are limited to a max of 100 results. You are trying to request results 700 to 800. Please upgrade to a paid plan if you need more results.'

I haven't implemented any pagination mechanism in HTTP API client. Query param &pageSize=100 is added when fetching top headlines to get the biggest amount of results possible for this type of account.