
A fully-featured boilerplate for service-oriented single-page applications.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptOtherNOASSERTION


A fully-featured boilerplate for service-oriented single-page applications. I couldn't find an easy way to configure proxies for Yeoman or Brunch projects, which really hampered my ability to develop service-oriented applications… so I cooked this up. By no means is it authoritative or comprehensive, but it includes a lot of the components I usually spend a fair amount of time tweaking and configuring whenever I spin up a new project.


Frameworks, Libraries, Etc.



  • CoffeeScript because vanilla JavaScript is so 1994.
  • LESS because I don't feel like dealing with Ruby dependencies to compile CSS.
  • Jade keeps the HTML nice and tidy.


Under the Hood

  • Grunt for super-flexible task running.
  • Bower and NPM because manually managing dependencies is for suckers.
  • Node.js (with Express and Restler) for development server and proxy functionality.

There are some other things going on behind the scenes; poke around to find out what's doing what.



Up and Running

The following commands check out the repo to myProject, installs dependencies, performs the initial build, and start the server:

$ git clone https://github.com/jszpila/BoilerPlus myProject && cd myProject  
$ sudo npm install -g coffee grunt-cli bower grunt-devtools
$ npm install
$ bower install	
$ grunt
$ node app.js

Open up a browser and go to localhost:2000 and you should see some stuff. Hooray!

If you're developing on Windows, you'll probably need to run the above commands using Git Bash.

Server Configuration

The only things that need to be changed are the route and URL for proxying requests. Of course, feel free to modify or add routes as you see fit.


Some common commands:

node app.js 	# starts the development server
grunt watch    	# builds project & reloads browser* on file save
grunt copy-libs	# copies files from bower_components to vendor 
grunt clean-dev	# deletes files in app/  

* assuming Live Reload is properly configured and working.


BoilerPlus/						// Execute your commands here 'n stuff
  dist/							// Production-ready files; structure mimics app/
  public/						// Web root; compile target for index.jade
    css/						// LESS compilation target
    fonts/						// Fonts live here, if you need them
    img/						// Images live here
    js/							// CoffeeScript compilation target
    partials/					// Jade compilation target for non-index files
    vendor/						// Contains third-party assets
   src/							// Raw source files
     coffee/					// Compiles to app/js
	   models/					// Models go here
	   viewmodels/				// Here there be view models
       app.coffee				// Main app logic
	   require-config.coffee	// Require bootstrap config
	   routes.coffee			// App router config
	 img/						// Pretty pictures go here
      app/						// I don't like having site/app icons at root
        apple-touch-*-.png		// H5BP placeholder images for iOS devices
        favicon.ico				// H5BP placeholder favicon
	 jade/						// Compiles to app/
	   partials/				// Compiles to app/partials
	   index.jade				// App's primary markup file
	 meta/						// Info about your app
	 	humans.txt				// ♫ Getting to know all about you… ♫
	 	robots.txt				// You tell them robots
	 less/						// Compiles to app/css
	 	main/					// LESS files that compile to their own CSS files
	 		locale/			    // Locale-specific styles
	 		app.less			// Main stylesheet
	   	partials/			    // LESS files included by other files
	test/						// Tests live here
	  e2e/						// End-to-end tests
	  unit/						// Unit tests
	bower.json					// Bower package info
	Gruntfile.coffee			// Grunt configuration
	package.json				// NPM package info
	app.js					    // Node server app

IDE Integration

Sublime Text